The 2018 fantasy wedding of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh made them one of Bollywood’s most beloved couples. They’ve done a better job than most famous couples of keeping their private life under wraps. An appearance on Karan Johar’s talk programme, “Koffee With Karan,” gave viewers a rare and personal glimpse into their amazing romance.
Their appearance on ‘Koffee With Karan‘ was amazing. They delighted the internet with sweet stories and unseen footage from their wedding. However, Deepika Padukone’s frank discussions about her romantic history and her path to Ranveer’s arms were the real show-stoppers.
Deepika Padukone spoke out about the anguish she had from her previous relationships before meeting Ranveer. After those events, she said she was considering a life of independence by herself by remaining single. But destiny had other plans, and when she met Ranveer, her life took a stunning turn.
[VIDEO] Ranveer Singh Reacts To Deepika Padukone’s Relationship Revelations
Deepika said that they delayed making their relationship official until Ranveer proposed to her. A mutual attraction would keep them together even if they were legally permitted to date other people.
‘Even if we were technically may be allowed to see other people, we would just keep coming back to each other. I did meet other people. I wasn’t interested or excited by anyone else that I was seeing. In my mind, I was committed to him. I would meet other people, but at the back of my head, it was like, I am going back to him’, says Deepika.
The news caused a storm of conflicting responses on several social media sites. The internet was afire with discussion and controversy after Deepika’s open comments about seeing others while being mentally devoted to Ranveer.
After that when Ranveer Singh was talking about the same thing, Deepika interrupted saying who were the people. Ranveer replied angrily that she was the one who just said that she was seeing other people. Deepika then said that she did not remember the names, to which Ranveer replied by making faces that he knows who they were.
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Kalesh between Deepika and Ranveer over Deepika meeting other people before Ranveer— Ghar Ke Kalesh (@gharkekalesh) October 26, 2023