Mukesh Ambani, the biggest business tycoon is among the richest people that exist. When the entire country was suffering an extremely low economic condition, Ambani was somehow able to make out a profit of $16.4 million in a year.
His current net worth of $23.1 billion puts him on the list of the richest man in India and Asia. The country of India is on the verge of development, but it does have 5 billionaires who have wealth that can cross out the entire GDP of 19 Countries.
A few countries whose GDP sits lower than the net worth of Ambani are Nepal and Afganistan. These are the countries that come from the neighbouring lands. Apart from that Cambodia, Iceland and Cyprus also fall short when and behind when compared to Ambani’s wealth.
Moreover, Mukesh Ambani is not the only one to preeced the GDP of other countries. India’s Pharma bigshot Dilip Sanghvi and Azim Premji of WIPRO crosses the annual GDP of Zimbabwe. They put 9 countries behind them with their wealth. Lakshmi Mittal, another name from the steel industry stands at a net worth of $13.3 billion which crosses the $12.1 billion GDP of Albania.
Source: Hindustan Times