The Ambani wedding was a spectacle, setting new trends in weddings and fashion. Inspired by the grandeur, Delhi-based fashion influencer Arushi Pahwa set her sights on Radhika Merchant’s floral dupatta from the Haldi ceremony. Despite scouring Delhi’s markets, including Chandni Chowk and Moti Nagar, she couldn’t find anything under 15k.
Determined, Arushi decided to create the dupatta herself. She shared her budget-friendly DIY process on Instagram, offering a step-by-step guide.
In her video, Arushi explained how she visited Chattarpur Phool Mandi to buy flowers. She meticulously crafted twelve individual flower strands, each two meters long, and stitched them in a zigzag pattern, incorporating marigolds into the borders for an authentic look. The entire process took 12 hours, but the result was a stunning replica of Radhika’s dupatta.
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The video has since gone viral, amassing 38.1 million views. Netizens praised Arushi’s effort and creativity, with comments like “Salute to the hard work” and “So much talent, keep going.” Some suggested using artificial flowers for longevity.
Watch the viral video here:
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