Recently, Samantha Ruth Prabhu reacted to a photo on social media of a theatre in Chennai that is doing rounds on the internet. The photo was shared by a netizen, who pointed out that all movie posters on the walls of Chennai’s famous theatre Vettri had female leads.
The picture depicted movie posters of Aishwarya Rajesh’s Driver Jamuna, Nayanthara’s Connect, Trisha’s Raangi, and Kovai Sarala’s Sembi.
As Samantha reacted to the viral photo, a troll tried to mock her,
But she knows how to shut mouth of these trolls and gave a fitting reply that is winning the hearts of her admirers.
A user named Deepan Qweeter Kannan shared a picture of Chennai’s famous Vettri theatre and emphasized how the billboard was dominated by female-led movies. Sharing the photo, they wrote,
“Passing by the Vettri theatre in Chromepet, my sister and I realized it had the banners of all the movies with a woman lead. What a long way Tamil cinema has come! 10 years back this would have been unimaginable.”
Passing by the Vettri theatre in Chromepet, my sister and I realised it had the banners of all the movies with a woman lead. What a long way Tamil cinema has come! 10 years back this would have been unimaginable.
— Deepan Qweeter Kannan (@kannandeepan) January 2, 2023
The Diva reacted to the picture and wrote,
“Women rising,” to which a troll replied,
Women Rising!!— Samantha (@Samanthaprabhu2) January 2, 2023
“Yes, just to fall.”
Getting back up makes it all the more sweeter my friend .
— Samantha (@Samanthaprabhu2) January 2, 2023
The renowned actress shut down the troll and perfectly justified the quote ‘kill them with kindness,’ as she replied,
“Getting back up makes it all the more sweeter my friend.”
Getting back up makes it all the more sweeter my friend .
— Samantha (@Samanthaprabhu2) January 2, 2023
Meanwhile, on the work front, SRP’s recent movie, Yashoda was also a commercial and critical success. The internet sensation has been quite vocal about her struggle with the autoimmune disease myositis and will next be seen in the period drama Shaakuntalam.