Orry, also known as Orhan Awatramani, caused a sensation on social media by sharing snapshots of his train voyage to Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu. The unexpected post on his Instagram account earlier this week caught the attention of his followers.
The images he posted depict him donning his signature “I am a liver” t-shirt while striking poses both inside the train and along its corridor. Some shots capture him lounging on a berth, while in another, he appears patiently awaiting the train’s arrival at a station.
Captioned simply as “The train to Kodaikanal,” Orry’s post has since garnered over 98k likes on Instagram, sparking a flurry of intrigued comments from his fans.
Among the reactions, one fan questioned the choice of train travel when Orry seemingly has limitless means, while another speculated humorously about his journey duration and mode of onward travel. Check out Orry’s post here:
Commentary aside, the responses also hailed Orry’s down-to-earth demeanor, humor, and genuine personality amidst his celebrity status. The episode underscores his ability to connect with his audience beyond mere fame.
Earlier in March, Orry participated in a session titled ‘The Orry Mystique: The Rulebook for Becoming Viral, Influential and Stylish’ at the India Today Conclave 2024 in New Delhi. There, he delved into various topics, including his journey to stardom, memorable encounters such as the viral moment with Rihanna at the Ambani bash, and insights into his style.