Mrunal Thakur, a rising Bollywood actress, has recently made headlines for purchasing a new Mercedes-Benz S-Class luxury sedan. While many celebrities own multiple exotic and expensive cars, Mrunal Thakur prefers to keep it simple with a smaller collection. She was spotted at the airport in Mumbai in her new S-Class, which has become increasingly popular among celebrities and high-end businessmen.
A video of the actress arriving at the airport was uploaded by the YouTube channel Cars For You, which features various celebrities and their luxury cars. However, the video does not provide a clear view of the car or its registration number. The actress exits the car and poses for photographers before heading into the airport.
The Mercedes-Benz S-Class is the manufacturer’s flagship sedan, packed with premium features. It is available in three variants: the S 350d, S 400d, and S 450. The base model, the S 350d, is powered by a 2,925cc six-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine, generating 281 Bhp and 600 Nm of peak torque. The S 400d variant uses a 3.0-liter turbocharged diesel engine that produces 325 Bhp and 700 Nm of peak torque, and comes with Mercedes-Benz’s 4MATIC system. The S 450, the only petrol option, features a 3.0-liter six-cylinder petrol engine, generating 362 bhp and 500 Nm of peak torque, and also has the AWD system available. The current generation S-Class prices range from Rs 1.71 crore to Rs 2.17 crore, ex-showroom.
Aside from the S-Class, Mrunal Thakur owns a Honda Accord and a Toyota Fortuner.