As of late Shah Rukh Khan did an Ask SRK on Twitter and one of the superstars to proclaim her affection for him on it was Richa Chadha. In her tweet to SRK, Richa composed, ” Saw that video of you and your wife dance on Holi… @iamsrk – figured we may make incredible companions, – we ought to have been in college together, not a question, simply communicating lurve.”
Her sweetheart and Mirzapur star Ali Fazal anyway didn’t appear to be excessively dazzled by her admission. Ali Fazal answered to Richa by tweeting, “Ahem! Bas bhi kijiye. Zara ghar aayiye.. Heh, aaj khana maine banaaya hai. (your fayVrit)”
Richa absolutely didn’t keep down on giving out her adoration for Shah Rukh Khan yet consoled Ali that he is the one for her by sharing a GIF of Marilyn Monroe’s song ‘Bye Bye Baby’ with the line ‘Remember you’re my baby’. Fans viewed their expressions as too lovely to even think about dealing with and one of them expressed, “What’s going on? Close your eyes, everybody.”
Ali and Richa have been together for quite a while and have as of late moved together in their ocean confronting loft in Mumbai. As indicated by sources, Richa and Ali were supposed to get hitched in mid-2020 yet the COVID circumstance drove their arrangements away and there is no authority marriage declaration yet. Ali and Richa cooperated without precedent for the 2013 faction parody Fukrey and afterward once more in Fukrey Returns with Richa repeating her part as the neighborhood wear Bholi Punjaban and Ali playing the grief stricken sweetheart called Zafar. Both Richa and Ali are dominating in their movie professions with strong parts that remember Ali Fazal for Death on the Nile co-featuring Gal Gadot and Richa in her new delivery Madam Chief Minister.