Actor Priyanka Chopra shared a legacy photograph of her clad in a swimsuit as she displays her attractive curves. In the viral picture, she can be seen wearing a white swimsuit top and some white denim shorts. She gazes directly into the camera and parades her million-dollar grin. The photograph was taken during the beginning of her vocation in the Indian entertainment world. She inscribed it, “Shy? Never knew about her, at age of 19 #TBT #BindisAndBikinis.”
PeeCee glammed up with insignificant makeup, bindi pleasantly positioned on her forehead, and a scramble of lustrous lipstick. The photograph is becoming viral online via web media and numerous fans responded to the pic with a smiley, heart, and fire emojis.
While the post got a ton of likes and remarks, quite possibly the most comical responses came from Parineeti Chopra. “How improper is it to call your own sister HOT? Requesting for a friend,” remarked the actor.
Priyanka and Parineeti Chopra are cousins and have co-worked as the voices of Elsa and Anna in the Hindi variant of Disney’s Frozen 2. Priyanka has been sending her adoration to Parineeti by means of social media over the arrival of her film Saina. The film, which is a biopic on badminton champion Saina Nehwal hit the cinema halls on Friday 26 March.
On the other hand, Priyanka Chopra Jonas has opened entryways of her New York-Based Indian eatery Sona and shared a few inside pictures on Instagram. Uncovering why spouse Nick Jonas named the café Sona, the actress shared a long note alongside the photographs and referenced about being hear broken for being away from the celebrations.