Having tied the knot with global sensation Priyanka Chopra back in 2018, Nick Jonas has not only captured the hearts of many but has also earned a new moniker from his Indian admirers – ‘jiju’, meaning ‘brother-in-law’. This affectionate term has become synonymous with Nick, even winning the favor of the desi paparazzi.
During a recent conversation with BBC Asian Network, Nick shared a delightful anecdote about his encounters with the term and how it has become an integral part of his Indian experience.
The way PC said "Jiju" to the paps while motioning towards nick to ask them to be more welcoming to him is extremely adorable to me ❤️🥹#PriyankaChopraJonas #NickJonas #nickyana #nmacc pic.twitter.com/XklindM5kz
— Masakali (@hereonlyforteaa) March 31, 2023
In the midst of their chat, the interviewer playfully inquired if she too could address him as ‘jiju’. Nick responded with a chuckle, confessing, “A lot of people do (call me jiju).”
The singer wholeheartedly embraced the light-hearted essence of the term and recounted a humorous incident from his recent visit to India. While attending the grand launch event of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, Nick, and Priyanka graced the red carpet together, and the photographers showered him with enthusiastic calls of ‘jiju’ and ‘Nickua’.
In response to this, Nick expressed,
“Yes, I did hear that. It was very good to be back. I love India. It has been a couple of years since I’ve been there because of Covid, so this was a really fun trip. So yes, great to hear the many nicknames I have now.”