The Bollywood sensation Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Rajput have recently shifted to their new house. It is a 56 crore villa in South Mumbai, falling in the neighbourhood of Mukesh Ambani’s daughter, Isha Ambani. Their shifting has witnessed intense media coverage and reporting. Alongwith her new home, Mira is also busy with her bold and sizzling photoshoots. She has been setting the internet on fire with her buzz among the youth.
On the recent Sunday, Mira shared a stunning picture of herself in a hot bikini. In the caption, she wrote:
“Minutes before the mess 🌊.”
The post:
Although Mira looked one of a kind and really attractive in the pictures, yet she was body shamed by many. Her fans also did not like how she revealed her thighs high above just in order to “draw likes” in her photos. The critisism also had several variations. One of the user wrote:
“Naa it does not suit u beti.”
Another person wrote:
“Mam it’s not good 😢😢😢😢.Doesn’t suit at all.”
However, it was also to he noticed that the critisism that she received was in very minimal numbers as many loved the dapper look that she pulled off. Many of her fans absolutely loved the way she looked in the picture.
This aren’t the first bikini photos that Mira had posted over her profile. In the recent past she shared a picture of herself in a pool with a hot bikini wear. In the caption she wrote:
“Bikini bodies are like Avocados. You wait forever for it to get ready, and it takes just a day for it to go bad 🥑 #dreaming.”
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Apart from Mira, her handsome hunk too raised the hotness bar with one of the most sizzling picture near the pool side. Shahid did not use any kind of caption in the picture, yet his picture made people go bonkers for his look.
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