Kamaal R. Khan seldom goes a day without having something critical to say about one or more of our Bollywood celebrities to share in his “tipanni.” Sometimes he is going after Kangana Ranaut or Akshay Kumar, and other times he is going after Salman Khan. Anushka Sharma is now the focus of KRK’s investigation. He is using the opportunity to shame her for sharing details of her personal life with her parents. As a reaction, internet users are trolling him. Hence, the move backfired on him.
KRK keeps everyone up to speed on the latest news about his children. While his daughter is just 18 years old, his son has recently graduated from high school. The self-proclaimed critic pointed out that in contrast to Anushka’s family, he does not discuss his children’s personal affairs with them. This is something that Anushka’s family does often.
KRK in his viral tweet wrote, “Anushka Sharma said that she was discussing her boyfriends with her father. Ab Main Ye Sochta Hun, Ki how big difference is between us. My son Faisal is 23 Yrs and he can’t talk with any girl on the phone also in front of me. Beti Toh Hai Hi Sirf 18 Ki.”
KRK is referring to an interview that took place not too long ago in which Anushka Sharma spoke about the period when her father was serving in the Kargil War. She said that she was too young to comprehend anything, and during their phone calls, she would talk to him about her school and the boys she was dating.
In the comment area, Internet users voiced their disapproval of KRK
One person chimed in, “Yes, there is a difference..She is a well-known figure… How do you think your current lifestyle stacks up to other people’s?
Another user provided the following feedback: “Please look after your own family like you are doing, and quit pointing the finger at other families and how they live!!!
Another one commented, “….punjabis have a nice phrase ” Teri bund dukti hai””
Another person responded by stating that “in this case, you need to take education on correct parenting.”
One person commented, “Why are you saying it with such pride, buddy?” If your 23-year-old child is unable to communicate openly with you or in front of you, you may want to take a closer look at the quality of your relationship with him/her.”
Anushka Sharma’s upcoming film, Chakda Xpress, is where we can expect to see her perform professionally.