The eighth season of the popular show, “Koffee With Karan,” made a sensational start, featuring the beloved Bollywood couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. This special episode marked the couple’s inaugural joint interview, offering viewers an intimate glimpse into their relationship.
During the episode, Deepika and Ranveer shared various aspects of their journey, from their initial meeting to the grand debut of their wedding video. The couple’s appearance was brimming with emotions and laughter. They discussed their engagement, which had been a well-kept secret for three years before their lavish wedding in 2018.
Ranveer Singh candidly revealed the romantic details of his proposal to Deepika in the Maldives on a secluded island, and they disclosed the long period of their secret engagement that preceded their 2018 nuptials. However, they didn’t sugarcoat the fact that there were challenges along the way, including a significant argument Deepika had with her mother after they announced their engagement.
One of the most touching moments of the episode was when the couple decided to share their enchanting wedding video. Their fairytale wedding took place against the breathtaking backdrop of Lake Como in Italy, and their motive for sharing it was to connect with their devoted fans. The video had a profound impact, leaving not only host Karan Johar but also the audience deeply moved.
Deepika also discussed her struggles with mental health, highlighting Ranveer’s unwavering support throughout her journey. In the renowned Rapid Fire Round, Ranveer addressed the criticism he faced regarding the casting of “Don 3,” while Deepika revealed her thoughts on her best on-screen chemistry. Towards the conclusion of the episode, Deepika shared insights into how she and Ranveer prefer to spend their weekends, painting a picture reminiscent of a scene from a Bollywood film.
Here are some clips from their wedding video: