Leading Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is known for making controversies through her comments on Twitter, has been constantly speaking out for justice since the demise of Sushant Singh Rajput. The actor was found dead in his apartment last year, which has been dubbed as suicide by many people. However, a section of his fans along with Kangana has voiced their protests against nepotism in Bollywood, which is being treated as the sole reason for SSR’s death.
Today, on Sushant’s birthday, the ace actress again took to Twitter and posted a heartfelt message. She directly blamed the “Movie Mafia” in Bollywood for the untimely death of the talented actor in the post. It read, “Dear Sushant, movie mafia banned you bullied you and harassed you, many times on social media you asked for help and I regret not being there for you. I wish I didn’t assume you are strong enough to handle mafia torture on your own. I wish … Happy Birthday dear one”.
Dear Sushant, movie mafia banned you bullied you and harassed you, many times on social media you aksed for help and I regret not being there for you. I wish I didn’t assume you are strong enough to handle mafia torture on your own. I wish …
Happy Birthday dear one #SushantDay pic.twitter.com/xqgq2PBi0Y— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) January 21, 2021
SSR’s demise brought a lot of people in Bollywood under the scanner and also lifted the curtain from a number of malpractices including substance abuse. Ace actresses like Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor were summoned by the NCB and were investigated for a significant amount of time in relation with the drug cartel within the film industry. However, there was no link that was found between the drug cartel and these actresses. Sushant’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty, who was also blamed to be one of the reasons for the death of the highly acclaimed actor, was also arrested by Mumbai Police but was later released due to absence of enough evidence to prove her guilty.
Though the Sushant Singh Rajput seems to remain as an unsolved mystery, his fans will always remember him for his memorable performances in movies like MS Dhoni, Kai Po Che, Chichchore and Son Chidiya.