Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut has been at the centre of a firestorm of criticism ever since she led the Ravan Dahan at Delhi’s renowned Luv Kush Ramlila event on the joyous occasion of Dussehra. She was the Chief Guest at an event usually attended by political heavy hitters like the Prime Minister of India, but this time around she caused an unanticipated stir when she was questioned about her status as Chief Guest by senior BJP politician Subramanian Swamy. The actress responded quickly and passionately, defending her stance and touching on sexism in the process. This event has subsequently gone viral on social media.
At the Luv Kush Ramlila, Kangana Ranaut was the centre of attention as she set fire to the Ravana effigy to represent good’s victory over evil. The political elite often attend this yearly event because of its reputation for pomp and circumstance.
A social media user tweeted a photo of Kangana Ranaut in a white bikini, prompting speculation about her support for the Modi regime. She was supposedly the only Bollywood star to have this treatment. A prominent member of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Subramanian Swamy, quickly replied to this thread. He questioned the federal government’s increased security and Kangana’s invitation to the Ramlila ceremony. He also made reference to what he said was the Special Protection Group’s (SPG) description of her as a “frequent flyer,” implying that she may not be deserving of the benefits of membership.
Kangana Ranaut Hits Back At Subramanian Swamy For Questioning Her Presence In Ramlila Event
“Is she #KanganaRanaut? Only lady from Bollywood entertained by Modi govt?”. Replying to them, Swamy said “According to SPG gossip she is a ‘frequent flyer’. Why should SPG gossip? Because of the organisation is overworked. Her being made chief guest in the Ramlila final day is the organisation’s conduct unbecoming of respect for Maryada Purushottam.”, he said.
A highly-worded statement from Kangana Ranaut followed Subramanian Swamy and the social media user’s allegations. She vehemently maintained her status as a National Award–winning actor, writer, director, and producer, among other accolades in the film industry. Kangana also emphasised her position as a right-wing influencer, stressing that neither her beauty nor her politics had a part in her success.
She also pointed out the misogyny underpinning Swamy’s remarks, arguing that women’s leadership and impact should be recognised independently of their physical characteristics. This comment alluded to a more systemic problem: the failure to appreciate women for who they are and what they can do.
She tweeted: “With a swimsuit picture and sleazy narrative you are suggesting that I have nothing else to offer except for my flesh to get my way in politics ha ha I am an artist arguably the greatest of all time in hindi films, a writer, director, producer, revolutionary right wing influencer, had there been a young male mavrick instead of me who could possibly be a great future leader and deserving of guidance and mentorship would you still imply that he is probably selling his flesh to get his way in politics? Deep rooted sexism and dormant lust for female body making you sound like a pervert. Women are not just for sex, they have other organs as well like brain, heart, hands, feet and everything else that a man has or it takes to be a great leader So why not Mr. Subramanian ?”
Shifting our attention to her professional commitments, Kangana Ranaut is eagerly anticipating the release of her forthcoming film, “Tejas.” In this cinematic endeavor, she essays the character of Tejas Gill, an Indian Air Force officer. Directed by Sarvesh Mewara, “Tejas” promises to deliver an adrenaline-pumping aerial action experience. The movie is scheduled for release on October 27, generating substantial anticipation among her fans.
“Tejas” is poised for a head-to-head battle at the box office with another film titled “12th Fail,” featuring Vikrant Massey and directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. While “Tejas” explores the high-octane realm of fighter pilots, “12th Fail” appears to be an emotional drama, presenting moviegoers with a diverse array of cinematic experiences to choose from.
With a swimsuit picture and sleazy narrative you are suggesting that I have nothing else to offer except for my flesh to get my way in politics ha ha I am an artist arguably the greatest of all time in hindi films, a writer, director, producer, revolutionary right wing…
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) October 26, 2023