Kangana Ranaut created a historic moment by becoming the first woman to participate in the Raavan Dahan ceremony at Lav Kush Ramleela in New Delhi. This traditional ritual holds great significance during Dussehra. Accompanied by her sister Rangoli Chandel, Kangana graced the stage in a beautiful red saree, with her hair elegantly tied up in a bun. The event saw her in the company of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena.
A video of this momentous occasion quickly went viral, showing Kangana with a bow in hand, receiving guidance from those around her on how to shoot the arrow. Despite three unsuccessful attempts, Kangana’s enthusiasm remained undiminished. She continued to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ while a member of the Lav Kush Ramleela Committee eventually assisted her in successfully releasing the arrow.
Watch the video below:
Although Kangana’s cheerful spirit was evident, a portion of social media users, particularly on Reddit, couldn’t resist poking fun at her for her unsuccessful attempt.
One user expressed, “This gives me second-hand embarrassment,” while another humorously quipped, “So much for being the stunt/action queen of Bollywood.”
A comment read, “So painful to watch,” with another user empathizing, “I can’t imagine the kind of anxiety and embarrassment Kangana must have felt at that moment.”
One user couldn’t help but comment,
“This was too hard to watch,” and found humor in the situation, saying, “I can’t stop laughing at the person speaking in the background, ‘putla jalaya jaye. Asatya par satya ki jeet hui hai.’ This is so funny and embarrassing; Kangana should’ve taken YouTube classes.
Kangana’s invitation to perform the Ravan Dahan held special significance as it was seen as a symbolic nod to the Women’s Reservation Bill, which had been passed the previous month. Arjun Singh, the president of the Lav Kush Ramleela Committee of Delhi, shared this information with PTI, highlighting the importance of Kangana’s participation in the event.
“Be it a film star or a politician, every year we have a VIP grace our event. In the past, we have had former President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi do the honours. Among film stars, Ajay Devgn and John Abraham have been here. Last year, Prabhas did the Ravan Dahan. For the first time in 50 years of our event, it will be a woman who will do the Ravan Dahan.”
“Lav Kush Ramleela Committee also wants equal rights for women. Women participation is increasing in every walk of life today, but there is still a long way to go. The bill will help in the development of the country and society,”
he added.
In the meantime, Kangana Ranaut is all set to grace the silver screen this weekend with her upcoming film “Tejas.” In the movie, she portrays the character of an Air Force pilot. “Tejas,” produced by RSVP, has been both written and directed by Sarvesh Mewara. Fans can anticipate its theatrical release on October 27, 2023.