Ace designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee has once again found himself at the receiving end of criticism and trolling after pictures of his new jewelry ad campaign went viral on Wednesday. The title of his new ad campaign is ‘Intimate Fine Jewellery’. Recently, Sabyasachi via their official Instagram page released a series of pictures featuring models flaunting the brand’s newly launched mangalsutras.
Sabyasachi’s promotional ad campaign featured the heterosexual and same-sex couples showing The Royal Bengal Mangalsutra, which is a part of the designer’s intimate jewelry collection. Not just this, some couples were seen posing were seen clad in intimate apparel.
Now, Now the advertisement campaign hasn’t gone down well with a section of people on the internet, who have raised objections and expressed their sheer disappointment at seeing this ad campaign.
Several users took to their social media to address their disappointment and claimed that the advertisement is an attack on the Hindu culture as it hurts the sentiments.
“I thought Sabyasachi launched his new lingerie collection, no no…that’s a mangalsutra ad. I’m so regressive, I didn’t notice,” a user tweeted. “What are you exactly advertising? No one will wear this jewellery now coz you have shown the world the if I wear that jewellery I must be some cheapo! please take care of your campaigns (sic),” another user wrote on the Instagram comments section
Several users also called out the designer for disrespecting something that is considered as sacred as the mangalsutra. “Really sabyasachi?? What’s wrong with u these days, Who sell Mangalsutra like this. If u have guts sell burkha, tabij in this manners?? Stop Hindu discremation #Sabyasachi (sic),” a user tweeted.
Here, check out the reactions of netizens on this:
Really sabyasachi??
What's wrong with u these days,
Who sell Mangalsutra like this.
If u have guts sell burkha, tabij in this manners??
Stop Hindu discremation #Sabyasachi— Kanan Shah (@KananShah_) October 27, 2021
Mangalsutra looks like this #Sabyasachi
It's not a random piece of fashion jewellery, it indicates the love and commitment the husband and wife have towards each other.
— Sheetal Chopra 🇮🇳 (@SheetalPronamo) October 27, 2021
No other way to show 'Mangalsutra' ?
What are u actually selling #Sabyasachi ?
Matlab kuch bhi!!!!!#jewellery @ShefVaidya— Bhagyashri Patwardhan (@bvpat2501) October 27, 2021
I thought Sabyasachi launched his new lingerie collection, no no..that's a mangalsutra ad.
I'm so regressive, I didn't notice. 😊— QT Pie (@asliqtpie) October 27, 2021