Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries and the wealthiest individual in India, recently received a death threat, as revealed by the police on Saturday. According to reports, an individual demanded a substantial sum of money from Ambani, threatening harm if his demand was not met.
Allegedly, in an email sent on October 27, the sender asked for Rs 20 crore, stating, “If you don’t provide us with 20 crore rupees, we will take your life. We have access to the most skilled marksmen in India.”
The sender of this email was identified as Shadab Khan, and a formal complaint was lodged by security personnel at Ambani’s residence after the death threat came to their attention. Mumbai’s Gamdevi Police initiated legal proceedings against an unidentified individual, citing sections 387 and 506(2) of the Indian Penal Code, and launched an investigation into the matter.
This incident is not the first time the industrialist has faced death threats. In the previous year, the Mumbai police apprehended an individual from Bihar who made anonymous threats against Mukesh Ambani and his family through phone calls. The perpetrator also issued threats regarding the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and the iconic Antilia residence, situated in South Mumbai.
In 2021, near Antilia, a vehicle was discovered containing explosives. The vehicle’s owner was found deceased in Thane Creek on March 5 of that year.
The fact that even the richest person, with the highest level of security, can be subject to such death threats is a reminder of the vulnerability we all face.