Pathaan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, opens in theatres on January 25. After an absence of over five years, the actor now has a new film out. In 2018, SRK starred in Zero, directed by Aanand L. Rai, which was his final film to be released.
Pathaan is Yash Raj Films’ first major movie of 2023, therefore a lot more than its box office performance is at stake. Along with Shah Rukh, Pathaan features the talents of John Abraham and Deepika Padukone. In the movie, John plays the villain. Siddharth Anand, who helmed the massively successful War starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, is at the helm for Pathaan.
In addition, a large amount of money was spent on making Pathaan. According to reports, the film’s budget is over Rs 250 crore to produce.
To what extent did Shah Rukh Khan profit from this movie? The actor reportedly demanded Rs 35-40 crore, according to a trade expert quoted by Shocked? Acting fees for SRK are lower than average since he has a profit-sharing contract on the film.
A large number of performers, including Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan, and even Salman Khan, use this business model, in which they take a small signing fee in exchange for a large share of the film’s profits.
The hype around Pathaan’s advance booking is quite strong, with industry analysts projecting an opening of between Rs 35 and 40 crore. According to early estimates, the film has a good possibility of becoming SRK’s highest-grossing movie ever, surpassing even the opening weekend of Happy New Year’s Day 1, which grossed Rs 36 crore.