Suhani Bhatnagar, the young actress known for her role in the film “Dangal,” tragically passed away at the age of 19, prompting heartfelt condolences from Geeta and Babita Phogat, the real-life athletes depicted in the movie.
Babita Phogat, a Commonwealth Games medalist, expressed disbelief and sorrow over Suhani’s untimely demise, urging strength for her family and fans during this difficult time.
दंगल फ़िल्म में मेरे बचपन का रोल निभाने वाली सुहानी भटनागर का इतनी कम उम्र में संसार से चला जाना अत्यंत दुःखद है!! मुझे विश्वास नहीं हो रहा है, इस खबर से स्तब्ध हूं!! ईश्वर दिवंगत आत्मा को अपने श्रीचरणों में स्थान दे एवं इस दुःख की घड़ीं में पूरे परिवार व प्रशंसकों यह दुःख सहने…
— Babita Phogat (@BabitaPhogat) February 17, 2024
Similarly, Geeta Phogat, her elder sister and a renowned wrestler, shared her grief, reflecting on Suhani’s portrayal of their childhood selves in the film.
दंगल फ़िल्म में मेरी छोटी बहन बबीता फोगाट का बचपन का रोल निभाने वाली सुहानी भटनागर का इतनी कम उम्र में दुनिया से चला जाना बहुत दुःखद है 💔💔 भगवान इस दुःख की घड़ीं में पूरे परिवार को हिम्मत दें 🙏🏽😞
— geeta phogat (@geeta_phogat) February 17, 2024
“Dangal,” which tells the inspiring story of the Phogat sisters’ journey to wrestling success, featured Aamir Khan as their father. Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh portrayed the adult Phogat sisters, while Zaira Wasim played the younger Geeta.
दंगल फ़िल्म में मेरी छोटी बहन बबीता फोगाट का बचपन का रोल निभाने वाली सुहानी भटनागर का इतनी कम उम्र में दुनिया से चला जाना बहुत दुःखद है 💔💔 भगवान इस दुःख की घड़ीं में पूरे परिवार को हिम्मत दें 🙏🏽😞
— geeta phogat (@geeta_phogat) February 17, 2024
Suhani, originally from Faridabad, gained recognition after her role in “Dangal” but later withdrew from the spotlight to focus on her education. Tragically, she was diagnosed with dermatomyositis, a rare autoimmune condition, which ultimately led to her passing.
Despite medical treatment, Suhani’s condition worsened, highlighting the challenges of her illness. Her passing has left a void in the hearts of those who knew her and admired her talent.