Ananya Panday has been one of the leading young actors in the film industry at present. While she has been under the spotlight for multiple reasons she still remains one of the most talented young actresses in the industry. Coming from a house of film stars, as the daughter of Chunky Panday, she has been pretty active on social media, with quite a lot of pictures depicting her personal space as well as the time she spends from a professional standpoint as well.
With a host of projects lined up, we will be seeing Ananya pretty active in the coming months. But a video she recently posted on her social media has got viral because of a comment war between her father and noted director Farah Khan.
The Video Involving Ananya Panday And Farah Khan That Got A Lot Of Comments
One of the videos that Ananya recently posted, which was a pretty hilarious one showed her spending some time with Farah Khan. The video saw Ananya in a green dress getting her makeup done, introducing herself as Ananya Panday, to which Farah said that she won a national award for Khaali Peeli, after which she said I’m just joking, taking a play out of her father’s dialogue as the hilarious character “Aakhri pasta”. It was a rather hilarious video, and she posted it with the caption saying ” 50 repay kaat overacting ke. Always a fun time with Farah Khan”.
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