Deepika Padukone has various movies arranged for release this year. She will be seen in Shakun Batra’s untitled venture likewise featuring Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi. Other than this, she additionally has Shah Rukh Khan-starrer ‘Pathan’. She will likewise be seen in ’83’ with spouse Ranveer Singh.
Actress Deepika Padukone is one of those celebs from the entertainment world who doesn’t let go abusing trolls. What’s more, the Padmaavat actress as of late shut down a troll who was sending her abuse filled message in her DMs. The actress chose to call him out via online media by sharing a screen capture of his DMs and giving him a hard-hitting and tasteful answer.
Deepika, who has regularly demonstrated that she wears her heart on her sleeves, encompassed the screen capture of the abuses hurlerd at her and shared it on her Instagram story. The actress reacted to him expressing, “Goodness! Your family and companions should be soo glad for you”.
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A Filmfare report as of late expressed that the makers of ‘Dhoom’ are arranging their next sequel and are wanting to rope in Deepika. The report additionally added that the actress is being considered to exposition the role of a villain in the fourth part and that she was as of late offered the undertaking by the makers.