In a recent episode of Shark Tank India 3, tensions escalated when Anupam Mittal became visibly upset after a contestant seemingly disrespected Peyush Bansal. The incident unfolded when Vikas Suri, the founder of Popcorn & Company, presented his brand to the sharks and requested Rs 75 lakh in exchange for a 7.5 percent equity stake.
Anupam Mittal Lost His Cool As Pitcher Disrespects Peyush Bansal
According to the Times Of India, during the deliberation over Vikas’s offer, Peyush Bansal questioned him, saying, “Isn’t there a kiosk chain in the popcorn business? I’m surprised because the real margin is in the retail market. Its manufacturing cost is less than Rs 20. It’s a business with a 90% margin: I’m saying hypothetically. If your sales are worth Rs 6 lakh, your gross profit should be Rs 5 lakh.”
However, Vikas corrected Bansal’s numbers when he interrupted him. Then, Vikas ‘shushed’ Peyush, which disappointed Anupam. He asked Vineeta Singh, “Did he just say that?” Anupam then became upset and reprimanded Vikas for disrespecting a shark. “Why are you here? You are Vikas Suri, you know everything. We have been sitting here for the past three years. Do you know what we do? You came here and shushed one of the sharks,” he said.
However, Peyush tried to soothe Anupam by mentioning that Vikas is older than him, so he doesn’t mind it. Anupam countered, “It’s not about age. It’s the respect of the seat.”
When Vikas tried to apologise, Anupam said, “That’s not the only thing. From the moment you have stepped in you have made such big statements but your answers are so vague. You haven’t clarified if you will shut the QSRs or scale them. You have said your name four times, I have never heard your name. After meeting you I feel you don’t have learning agility and humility. What will you learn and what will you teach? Your structure is very messy besides all the personal things I said and that’s why I am out. I feel there is a big business of popcorn but you might not make that business.”