The government has officially served notices to Bollywood actors Akshay Kumar, Shahrukh Khan, and Ajay Devgn in connection with their endorsements for a gutka company. This action follows a contempt petition, and the central government communicated this to the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad Court.
The government’s counsel informed the High Court on Friday that the Supreme Court is concurrently examining the same matter, suggesting that the ongoing petition be dismissed. Subsequently, the bench has scheduled a hearing for May 9, 2024.
Justice Rajesh Singh Chauhan’s bench had previously instructed the central government to address a representation from a petitioner who advocated for action against celebrities endorsing gutka brands despite receiving prestigious awards.
The representation was submitted to the government on October 22, and during the contempt petition hearing, the high court issued a notice to the central government’s Cabinet Secretary as the petitioner claimed no action had been taken.
Deputy Solicitor General SB Pandey informed the High Court on Friday that the Centre had issued show cause notices to Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh Khan, and Ajay Devgn.
Additionally, the court was informed that Amitabh Bachchan had taken legal action by sending a notice to a gutka company that continued to display his advertisement despite the termination of his contract with them.