Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented the Disruptor of the Year accolade to YouTube sensation Ranveer Allahbadia, known as BeerBiceps, at the National Creators Award held at Bharat Mandapam. The event took a lively turn as Allahbadia shared fitness tips, prompting a playful response from Modi Ji, who joked,
“People might think you’ve joined BJP now.”
The ceremony, which celebrated creators across diverse categories, highlighted the profound impact of digital content creation.
During the engaging exchange, Allahbadia offered fitness advice to PM Modi after receiving his award, leading to a light-hearted moment.
Modi, in turn, humorously commented on the possibility of Allahbadia being associated with the BJP due to his advice resembling Modi’s own. The Prime Minister also suggested Allahbadia explore the topic of sleep on his show, revealing his own sleep routine in the process.
Late on, Ranveer said he want to do a podcast with him and modi ji gave an hilarious reply saying Man to Bhot Logo Ka Krta Hai.
Watch the video till the end to know what he said:
#WATCH | Delhi: At the first ever National Creators Award, Prime Minister Narendra Modi presents the Disruptor of the Year award to Ranveer Allahbadia (BeerBiceps) at Bharat Mandapam.
— ANI (@ANI) March 8, 2024
The event, which honored creators from various fields, saw Jahnvi Singh receiving the Heritage Fashion Icon Award, Kabita Singh (Kabita’s Kitchen) winning the Best Creator in Food Category Award, and Pankhti Pandey being recognized in the ‘Green Champion’ category, among others.
The ceremony reflected the diverse talent and contributions of creators across storytelling, social change advocacy, environmental sustainability, education, and gaming domains.
With over 1.5 lakh nominations and approximately 10 lakh votes cast, the National Creators Award witnessed significant public engagement in its mission to recognize excellence in digital content creation. The ceremony showcased the breadth of talent and innovation in the digital space through its twenty categories, encompassing various aspects of content creation.