Sara Tendulkar, the daughter of former Indian captain and batting sensation, Sachin Tendulkar, has been in the buzz among the admirers. Many people show interest in her and it is evident since she enjoys a huge fan following on Instagram with a whopping 1.2 million.
However, with fame and fortune, Sara has also gathered a bunch of haters, who never fail to judge her on every little thing. Although, she has had a number of bitter experiences in the past, yet she has learnt to come up with fitting reply to her trolls.
Something similar sort of thing happened recently, as Sara posted an Instagram story of her enjoying a cup of coffe from Blue Tokai Coffee Roasters. She captioned the story as:
“@Bluetokaicoffee saves lives.”
Check the story:
On posting the story, Sara was trolled by a local user who accused her of being someone who has only wasted her father’s money as well his name.
Soon after upon noticing the remark, Sara came up with a fitting reply. Whole tagging the girl who tried to troll her, Sara wrote:
“Ummm…Any money spent on caffeine is money well spent, not wasted LOL (whoever’s it may be).”
Check her sassy response:
The same user who trolled Sara for wasting money of her father, earlier tried to pass disrespectful comment for her brother, Arjun Tendulkar, who was picked up the Mumbai Indians squad for IPL 2021 at a mere price of INR 20 lakhs.