Abhishek Bachchan is a renowned star of the Bollywood industry. More than his film, he is known for coming up with befitting replies for the people who try to troll and criticise him. Recently, Abhishek got into a realm of discussion regarding Akshay Rathi’s tweet. He tweeted:
“Amazing how @akshaykumar finishes off the shoot of an entire film in the amount of time that other stars take to learn a skill which they need to act out in a small scene or so! And more often than not, his film turns out to be the bigger hit! More actors need to ‘plan’ better!”
To this, Junior Bachchan said:
“Not fair! Each to their own. Different people are motivated by different things. And have a different pace at doing things.”
Junior Bacchan, upon seeing the tweet felt that it was not a fair statement to make. He even showed his dissatisfaction in public. To his opinion, a Twitter user called Abhishek “slow” and tried to troll him down. He wrote:
“I understand you are slow that’s why you may be feeling bad. Work hard and become fast”
In response to this ugly affair, Abhishek wrote:
“Mr. Prabhakar. During this pandemic, I completed a web series, a documentary and finished 3 films. Released and promoted the web series, 1 movie and the documentary too. I don’t think speed is my problem, neither intent.”
Junior Bacchan further clarified his motive behind the previous tweet. Abhishek added that on a personal level, he felt it a bit depressing and unfair when he saw that the actors are compared to each other. His tweet spelt all the magic as the troll apologised and wrote:
“Got it. I understood it wrongly & was bit harsh. Apology from my side if you felt bad for anything. AK is someone whom I admire since I was 5 year world. I consider him as a source of inspiration and whatever I achieved in lyf by following his footsteps. Have a good day Brother.”
Check the tweet:
Got it.
I understood it wrongly & was bit harsh.
Apology from my side if you felt bad for anything.
AK is someone whom I admire since I was 5 year world.
I consider him as a source of inspiration and whatever I achieved in lyf by following his footsteps.
Have a good day Brother.— Vinay Prabhakar (@akkivinaya) December 16, 2020