Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood seldom utilizes his Twitter account, one that is managed by the actor himself. As a special case, be that as it may, Khan chose to hold an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Wednesday, with the hashtag #AskSRK on Twitter.
It was an uncommon treat for his fans, and an unexpected declaration that was followed by the AMA. Still he was overwhelmed with a huge number of questions from fans who needed to know it all – from his next film to the shade of his clothing. The actor was strangely snappy in his answers to his fans, and clever to answer to the questions even the clothing one.
Shah Rukh Khan, who has a well demonstrated background of answering with humor to his fans, did it once more. He had a few savage replies for the fan who posed this question. “What is color of your underwear”
I only do these #asksrk for such classy and educated questions.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) March 31, 2021
“I just do these #asksrk for such tasteful and educated questions” composed Khan as an answer. Following the remarks by King Khan the user deleted his comment. However it didn’t go unnoticed from the eyes of very watchful on twitter.
Shah Rukh Khan needs no introduction. That is the way he was introduced as of late by Hollywood’s David Letterman for his syndicated program on Netflix. Furthermore, on the off chance that you know anything about SRK or Bollywood’s “King Khan”, you would understand what that implies.
Acting for last thirty years, Khan has figured out how to hypnotize crowds young and old with his acting, style, character and obviously, the dimples. Shah Rukh Khan, who began his journey back in 1988, hails from a working class family and in the last 3 decades he has accomplished fame through his hard work, and ability.