- Shekhar Suman recently shared a sneak-peek of his beautiful house with his fans and followers. The actor posted a few pictures of his drawing-room, study room, the dining room of his Mumbai residence. After watching the pictures of Suman’s lavish home, a user asked him, “Where did so much money come from?”. The Utsav actor shut down the troll with an epic response. Read on to know what he said.
On Saturday, Shekhar shared a few glimpses of his Mumbai residence in a series of tweets. You can check out some of his tweets below:
My home has a ❤And my ❤ is at my home.❣❣❣ pic.twitter.com/tFjNsjt44p
— Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) February 20, 2021
My tastes are simple.i like to have the best.😍 pic.twitter.com/2kWAyBBX99
— Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) February 20, 2021
Don't let ppl use you as a https://t.co/om8v4JBeQd the King. pic.twitter.com/T05u0HXIVW
— Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) February 20, 2021
After watching these stylish interiors of Suman’s house a user commented, “Itne paise aaya kahaan se? (Where did so much money come from?”). Replying to the troll, Suman wrote, “Mehnat se. imaandaari se. Lagan se(From hard work, honesty and diligence).”
Itne paise aaya kahaan se?
— Sumithabrady (@sumithabrady) February 20, 2021
Answering the trolls question, Suman also shared a newspaper clip that read, “Shekhar Suman is to television what Amitabh Bachchan was to films not so long ago.”
In another tweet the actor wrote, “I’ve never been dependent on one thing in my life. My joy and sense of triumph comes from creating small challenges ev.day be it acting, hosting, reading, fitness, singing, writing, cooking,gardening.Just anything.ive to be a winner in my own eyes.”
On the work front, Suman was last seen in Bhoomi (2017). The actor was currently in news for coming out in support of Sushant Singh Rajput‘s family and demanding justice for them. He was also in the reports for saying that leading actress Kangana Ranaut, who was in a relationship with his son Adhayan Suman a few years ago, uses black magic and witchcraft to make people weak in front of her. This led to a huge altercation between the two. Both sets of fans also came on Twitter and made their voices heard on the same matter.