Actress Pooja Hegde made her acting debut with the Tamil movie ‘Mugamoodi’, which tanked at the box-office. The actress later moved to Telugu cinema and finally to Bollywood, where she has featured in a number of big-budget movies opposite top actors. Pooja Hegde is very active on her social media, where she enjoys a huge fan following. The actress often takes some time out of her busy schedule to interact with her fans on social media.
Recently, she interacted with her fans by hosting the ‘post a photo’ session on Instagram, where her fans flooded her with many interesting requests asking her for pictures. Pooja came up with interesting answers in her replies, where she replied to her fans by sharing her pictures.
From sharing pictures of herself wearing a bikini, a weirdo selfie, a candid moment on her bed to one sans makeup, Pooja shared many amazing pictures of herself, while fulfilling her fans’ requests.
Meanwhile, a low-life Instagram user made an absurd request to Pooja as he asked her to share a naked picture of her.
However, the stunning beauty came up with an epic reply to the pervert. In her reply, Pooja shared a picture of her feet and wrote ‘Nange pao’ on it. The pervert must have fainted redfaced after reading the reply of Pooja.
Here, check out her story:
Talking about her professional front, the actress is working on Rohit Shetty’s “Cirkus”, which also stars Ranveer Singh and Jacqueline Fernandez. Apart from this, she is also working on Salman Khan starrer “Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali” and Prabhas starrer “Radhe Shyam”.