Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Bungalow Mannat is considered a landmark in Mumbai. Shah Rukh’s fans know how hard King Khan worked to buy this house in the beautiful location on the sea shore and how much this house means to him. For Shahrukh Khan, this is not just a property but an emotion.
King Khan, who has been away from the silver screen for the last several years, stays connected to his fans through social media. Recently, Shahrukh did an #AskSRK session in which he answered the questions of all his fans. One of his fans asked in this session whether he was going to sell Mannat?
Shahrukh gave a very emotional answer to this question. Shah Rukh wrote, “Bhai Mannat is not sold, the head is bowed and asked. If you remember, you will be able to get something in life.” (Bhai Mannat bechi nahi jati, sir jhuka ke mangte hain, yad rakhoge to jindagi me kuch accha kar paoge) Let us tell you that in the chat session of Shah Rukh Khan, the questions are definitely asked about his villa Mannat. His house is an amazingly mangnificant building on the sea shore.
Shahrukh Khan’s tweet has been liked and shared by countless people. In case you don’t know, Shahrukh has given answers to all such questions in his session and even before too. He has told that these days he is spending his time playing with children and watching the IPL. It is known to everyone that Kolkata Knight Riders is Shah Rukh Khan’s team in the IPL.
See the tweet :
Bhai Mannat bikti nahi sar jhuka kar maangi jaati hai….yaad rakhoge toh life mein kuch paa sakogay.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 27, 2020