Following Mumtaz’s criticism, Mukesh Khanna has voiced his disapproval of Zeenat Aman’s support for live-in relationships. In a recent interview with Dainik Jagran, the seasoned actor strongly objected to Zeenat’s viewpoint, considering it a promotion of Western values incompatible with Indian culture.
I may not agree to idea of live in relationships yet i can understand zeenat aman's point of view when she afvocates for them what i cant understand is mumtaz' unnecessary and malicious attack on zeenat aman using this as an excuse,get some class woman.
— hermit (@cosmicash_dust) April 18, 2024
Mukesh Khanna emphasized that live-in relationships deviate from India’s cultural and historical norms, categorizing them as a Western concept.
He expressed concerns about the potential repercussions, asserting that such arrangements contradict traditional values. Mukesh urged for careful consideration of discussions on such matters, emphasizing the importance of respecting cultural sensibilities. In his words,
“Live-in relationships aren’t part of our cultural or historical norms. They’re a concept from Western civilization. Zeenat Aman has lived her life according to Western values.”
Make living relationships legal as part of your manifesto.
It will win new voters.@RahulGandhi— Arif Mistry (@ArifMistry1983) April 20, 2024
Zeenat Aman, on the other hand, defended her stance on Instagram, advocating for couples to cohabit before marriage. She revealed that she has advised her sons to pursue this path and underscored the practicality of testing relationships before formalizing them legally or involving families.
“Both of them have experienced or are currently in live-in relationships. To me, it’s just common sense that before involving families and legalities, couples should first test their relationship by living together.”
Soni Razdan mocks Mukesh Khanna's conservative opinion on Zeenat Aman's post advocating live-in relationships
— HT Entertainment (@htshowbiz) April 20, 2024
Encouraging couples to disregard societal judgment, Zeenat highlighted the need to prioritize personal choices over societal expectations. She expressed readiness to embrace unconventional perspectives despite potential criticism.
Mumtaz condemns Zeenat Aman for advocating live-in: 'She should be the last person doling out advice on relationships…'
— gopalkpuri (@gopalkpuri) April 15, 2024
In the realm of cinema, Zeenat is set to feature in two upcoming movies: “Bun Tikki,” directed by Faraz Arif Ansari, and “Margao Files.” The release date for “Bun Tikki,” produced by Manish Malhotra, is yet to be announced.
After Mumtaz’s remarks, the debate surrounding Zeenat Aman’s advocacy for live-in relationships continues, with Saira Banu also expressing her dissent.