Actor Kangana Ranaut on Monday responded to the report on Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh’s abdication. Deshmukh reported his renunciation from the position hours after the Bombay High Court requested the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to test corruption claims against him by previous Mumbai Commissioner of Police Param Bir Singh.
While tweeting about the matter, Kangana reviewed when her office space was obliterated and Deshmukh gave numerous assertions against her in the media. The actor shared a fan’s post and referenced that Deshmukh is presently enduring the outcomes of offending a lady.
“Jo Saadhuon ki hatya aur stree ka apmaan kare, uska patan nishchit hai. #AnilDeshmukh ye toh sirf shuruat hai, aage-aage dekho hota hai kya #UddhavThackeray” (Those who lynch the Sadhus and affront ladies endure a deplorable ruin. Anil Deshmukh, this is only the start) she wrote in her tweet.
Kangana’s spat with the Uddhav Thackeray-drove Maharashtra government started when the actor tweeted about Mumbai and contrasted the city with Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. This rankled many including Sanjay Raut, representative of Shiv Sena, and Anil Deshmukh. While Raut proceeded to utilize slanderous language against the actor on camera, Deshmukh supported the BMC’s choice of annihilating a piece of Kangana’s office arranged in the Bandra zone of Mumbai.
Kangana even delivered a video cautioning all against the evident end of the Maharashtra government. The actor’s tweet after the renunciation of Deshmukh was made in a similar light. See the Kangana’s tweet on the issue:
जो साधुओं की हत्या और स्त्री का अपमान करे उसका पतन निश्चित है #AnilDesmukh
यह तो सिर्फ़ शुरुआत है, आगे आगे देखो होता है क्या #UddhavThackeray— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) April 5, 2021
“Not long after the high court orders, Deshmukh met NCP President Sharad Pawar and offered to leave to guarantee a fair test. After the gesture, Deshmukh has gone to meet Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray to present his renunciation,” NCP National Spokesperson and Minority Affairs Minister Nawab Malik told mediapersons.