Radhika Merchant, the youngest addition to the Ambani family, showcased her Bharatnatyam skills during her Arangetram, sparking a mixed reaction across the internet. Following in the footsteps of her mother-in-law, Nita Ambani, Radhika’s performance attracted attention, becoming a focal point ahead of the much-anticipated Ambani wedding festivities.
As India eagerly anticipates the upcoming grand wedding celebrations, media outlets are capitalizing on the public’s interest, generating content featuring Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant to garner attention, particularly from Jio users.
Among the various pieces of content, attention has been drawn to Radhika’s Bharatnatyam performance, which took place in June 2022 after eight years of dedicated practice.
The event was marked by its star-studded guest list, yet opinions in the comment sections were less than unanimous.
The internet’s response to Radhika’s classical performance has been diverse. While some netizens criticized her rendition, comparing it unfavorably even to performances by toddlers at youth festivals, others questioned the decision to allow her Arangetram with what they perceived as subpar dancing standards.
Comments ranged from critiques of her perceived lack of grace to humorous comparisons with fictional characters. However, amidst the criticism, there were voices advocating against unnecessary negativity.
Watch the viral video here:
Meanwhile, anticipation for the grand pre-wedding festivities of the Ambani wedding continues to build online.
Check out the reactions here:
Alongside discussions of Radhika’s performance, other viral topics include a lookalike spotted with her and discussions about the price of her Hermes Kelly bag, which has drawn comparisons to a CEO’s annual salary.
Additionally, a deepfake wedding clip featuring Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant with Bollywood celebrities has sparked both fascination and concern among internet users.
Celebrities at Anant and Radhika merchant's wedding ceremony when Mukesh Ambani comes : pic.twitter.com/VMOf3leyCk
— Vedant (@Laccha_paratha) February 25, 2024
Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dancing in Wedding ceremony of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant : pic.twitter.com/zYmpwadnXs
— Vedant (@Laccha_paratha) February 22, 2024
Radhika Merchant’s Bharatnatyam performance at her Arangetram has stirred a range of reactions online, reflecting the intersection of culture, celebrity, and public opinion in the digital age.