Popular Bollywood celebrity couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt tied the knot on April 14 this year in the presence of their loved ones. The love birds will be seen together for the first time in Ayan Mukerji’s much awaited movie named Brahmastra.
It’s been two months since they got married and the romance between two is at peak as we can witness that on Alia Bhatt’s social media account.
She never fails to express her love for Ranbir. In fact she never misses any chance to flaunt her husband on Instagram. In case you don’t know, back then during Covid-19 lockdown, Alia Bhatt stayed with Ranbir Kapoor in his lavish apartment in Bandra.
Moreover, the power couple decided to get married in the same house.
Sharing her wedding pictures, Alia Bhatt wrote on her social media,
‘Today, surrounded by our family and friends, at home … in our favourite spot – the balcony we’ve spent the last 5 years of our relationship – we got married. With so much already behind us, we can’t wait to build more memories together … memories that are full of love, laughter, comfortable silences, movie nights, silly fights, wine delights and Chinese bites. Thank you for all the love and light during this very momentous time in our lives. It has made this moment all the more special. Love, Ranbir and Alia.’
Situated in the prosperous Pali Hill neighbourhood of Mumbai’s Bandra sub urban area, the house is named ‘Vastu’. The house is designed by none other than Gauri Khan. The abode is modest and contemporary, displaying the personality of Kapoor’s.
As per Housing.com, RK bought the 2,460-sq ft lavish apartment back in 2016
Aesthetically designed with creamy white carved walls, high ceilings, a glass partition that divides the living room from the rest of the house, a special photo wall, spacious balconies, neutral tone drapes this house is dream house for anyone. Taking the center space in the living room is a yellow lounger which instantly bright up to the white space.
Ranbir and Alia lives here with their pets. As we all know Ranbir has maintained distance from social media from quite a long time. So his better half Alia posts a lot on her Instagram account.
As per Magicbricks.com, the property in Pali Hill ranges between Rs 37,600 – Rs. 63,200/ sq ft. Being one of the highest paid actors in Bollywood , Ranbir Kapoor paid a whopping Amount 35 crore INR for this Luxurious house.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are lined up with multiple projects including Brahmastra which is all set to hit cinemas on 9th September 2022.