Yo Yo Honey Singh has found himself in some deep trouble after his wife Shalini Singh accused him of domestic violence. Shalini has filed a plea against Honey Singh in Delhi’s Tis Hazari court, as per a report by ANI. The court has issued notice to the singer and sought his response over it.
In the petition, Shalini has alleged that she was ‘subjected to numerous incidents of physical abuse, verbal, mental abuse and emotional abuse, at the hands of Honey Singh, his parents, and his younger sister. Shalini mentioned that the differences between the two cropped up right from their honeymoon when he started acting distant. She also revealed how he used to hit her when she confronted him about it.
Apart from this, Shalini In her petition, Shalini accused Honey Singh of alcoholism and adultery. She revealed that Honey Singh was having ‘casual sex with multiple women’ and would not take her on his singing tours. She also revealed that he also stopped wearing his wedding ring, saying that wearing diamonds would bring him bad luck.
For the unversed, Honey Singh got married to Shalini on January 23, 2011, and for many years, Honey’s fans never knew that he was married. Shalini was introduced to the world for the first time during an episode of the reality show, India’s Raw Star in the year 2014.
The couple recently celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. On his anniversary, Honey Singh took to his social media and shared a picture with Shalini and came up with an adorable caption. He wrote: “It’s our @sheenz_t Happy 10th Marriage Anniversary & @singhstamusic da birthday vi aa !!! All we need is Million blessings.”
She stated in her plea that Singh “showed no shame in attacking, browbeating, manhandling, cheating and causing irreparable harm to the woman he was supposed to cherish and protect. The Applicant, on the other hand, brought back (Singh) from the abyss into light.”
Shalini has demanded compensation of Rs 20 crore from him and asked the court to direct him to pay Rs 5 lakh per month for a fully furnished house in a reputed part of Delhi.