Bollywood entertainer Abhishek Bachchan’s film The Big Bull was delivered as of late on OTT stage. The film didn’t get great reactions from the crowd or pundits. People took to Twitter and shared their experiences and tagging Abhishek.
One fan said watching the The Big Bull was a ‘mistake’, and composed that the film’s content let Abhishek down. He expressed, “What a failure from @juniorbachchan this #TheBigBull ended up being! After a fine execution in #BreatheIntoTheShadows was expecting a shockingly better one here … when will these authors think of more contents that’d grandstand Jr. Bachchan’s actual potential?”
Abhishek answered with a message expressing gratitude toward him for watching the film and saying he will work more enthusiastically to not disappoint him.
Returning to the incident of slap , in a meeting at Jagran Film Summit, Abhishek reviewed an awful day when a lady slapped him outside a film theater for bringing down his family’s name.
“It was a difficult stretch. I had once gone to Gaiety Galaxy to perceive how my film (Shararat) was doing; a woman came out and slapped me and said you’re humiliating your family’s name, quit acting. Fortunately, I’m ready to snicker about it today, yet by then, it was anything but not a good feeling ,” he said.
Abhishek has a couple of film under his belt that are Bob Biswas and Dasvi. The actor has been going shooting for the latter since February this year.