In a profoundly tragic turn of events, two young lives in West Bengal’s Bankura and Odisha’s Jajpur took a sorrowful path following India’s defeat to Australia in the Cricket World Cup final.
The deep sorrow accompanying the loss led to extreme actions by disillusioned and overwhelmed fans.
In Bankura, 23-year-old Rahul Lohar made the heartbreaking decision to end his life near a cinema hall around 11 pm on Sunday, immediately after India’s six-wicket loss to Australia in Ahmedabad.
Reports indicate that Lohar, unable to bear the weight of disappointment from India’s defeat in the world cup, hung himself in his room.
Uttam Sur, Lohar’s brother-in-law, shared the emotional toll the cricket match’s outcome had on him, revealing a young man deeply affected by the ebb and flow of the game.
Following the discovery of Lohar’s lifeless body, authorities acted swiftly, sending it to the Bankura Sammilani Medical College and Hospital for a post-mortem examination. The registration of an unnatural death case highlighted the distressing consequences of the emotional investment individuals place in the world of sports.
Simultaneously, in Odisha’s Jajpur, another 23-year-old, Dev Ranjan Das, was found hanging from the terrace of his house in Binjharpur shortly after the World Cup final.
Police reports revealed that Das had been undergoing treatment for an “emotional disorder syndrome,” a detail shared by his uncle. The family member poignantly disclosed that, overcome by despair after India’s defeat, Das left home, adding a layer of sadness to the narrative surrounding the cricket match.
Indramani Juanga, Officer-in-Charge of Jari Outpost, confirmed the registration of an unnatural death case linked to Das’s demise. The authorities are now awaiting the autopsy report, hoping for insights into the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.
These heart-wrenching incidents underscore the profound impact that sports outcomes can have on individuals, pushing some to the brink of despair. As communities in Bankura and Jajpur grapple with the loss of two promising young lives, it prompts contemplation on the broader implications of the emotional investment many fans make in the world of sports. Beyond the jubilation of victory, it serves as a stark reminder of the crucial need for mental health awareness and support in the face of unexpected and distressing events.