Priyanka Chopra has globally established herself with her talent and looks. In today’s age, she is not only a leading actress in Bollywood but also in the Hollywood industry. Her fame is widely spread and she has often been the talk of the town. However, out of all the things that are widely talked about her, her dressing sense is the most common. Here we bring to you a list of a few incidents where PC surprised everyone by pulling off an unusual fashion sense.
1. Priyanka Chopra’s Grammy Red Carpet costume has become a new tread for the meme makers. Although she looked stunning the Ralph and Russo Gown, yet the public did not like her to go costume and felt that it was way more revealing.
2. The fashion disaster of Priyanka Chopra’s from the Golden Globe Award’s red carpet with her husband Nick Jonas. With the gown that she wore, she was almost about to encounter a wardrobe malfunction in front of the media. However, later she managed well and did not let a disaster to take place.
3. A see through skirt pulled off by Priynka at the event launch of ‘I can’t make you love me’ in Mumbai. People did not like how Priyanka chose to wear such a disturbing skirt, especially at such a sensitive event. Later, the netizens criticised her with several memes and jokes on her wardrobe.
4. Priyanka’s Met Gala gown becomes the talk of the town! This is one of the most weird look that she pulled off. Many termed it as a ‘failed attempt’ to look out of the world and incredibly different at such an important global event.
5. Priyanka coming under the rader with her revealing black backless leather dress at a guest party abroad. She was once again targetted for wearing a dress that revealed too much skin.
6. Another see through top pulled off by Priynka at an event organised by Colors TV channel. Now, isn’t that a little embarrassing for such a big star? Not once, but twice did she wear something through which people can look through. Her wardrobe surely needs a makeover after this.