In July 2024, Anant Ambani’s grand wedding with Radhika Merchant captured global attention. The lavish event, dubbed the ‘wedding of the century’, featured an array of pre-wedding festivities and was attended by numerous celebrities and dignitaries, including the renowned wrestler and actor John Cena.
John Cena Shares He Was Starstruck by Shah Rukh Khan
In a recent interview with ANI, John Cena opened up about his visit to India for Anant and Radhika’s wedding. He expressed his admiration for Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, revealing that he was starstruck upon meeting him. Cena described SRK as empathetic and kind, recounting the emotional moment when he got to shake hands with the Bollywood icon:
“It was just such an emotional moment to be able to shake a person’s hand that affects your life so drastically and tell them specifically what they did. He was amazing. He couldn’t have been more empathetic and kind and sharing. It really was wonderful. I was awestruck, starstruck. It was fantastic.”
SRK’s TED Talk Impacted John Cena’s Life
During the interview, Cena also spoke about the profound impact Shah Rukh Khan’s TED Talk had on his life. He shared that the speech came at a pivotal moment and inspired significant changes in his life. Cena credited SRK’s words for helping him recognize and appreciate the many opportunities he had been given:
“He (Shah Rukh) did a TED Talk that found me at the right time in my life, and his words were beyond inspirational to me. They helped orchestrate a change in my life. And since that change, I’ve been able to recognize all the jackpots that I’ve been given, and been grateful and worked hard to make sure I don’t waste them.”
John Cena’s Experience with Indian Cuisine
Cena also raved about the culinary delights he experienced at the wedding. He praised the fantastic Indian food, noting that the level of spice was perfect for him. He expressed a desire to return to India to further explore its diverse cuisine:
“The Ambani wedding had its fair share of cuisine, but they also did Indian food and Indian street food very well. The food was fantastic. I had a short stay, which means I would like to go back and try some Indian food. The level of spice was just enough for me, just enough to break a small sweat. So, I can’t wait to try to test my spice meter when I come back.”
John Cena’s Appreciation Post
On July 12, 2024, Cena arrived in Mumbai for the wedding celebrations, dressed in traditional Indian attire. He enjoyed his time at the event and on July 13, 2024, he took to social media to express his gratitude to the Ambani family for the unforgettable experience.
What do you think of John Cena’s revelations about his recent trip to India?