Business tycoon Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son, Anant Ambani, recently married Radhika Merchant in a grand wedding that has captured global attention. Following their lavish ceremony, the couple traveled to Paris for their honeymoon. However, a video involving Anant Ambani and his bodyguard has gone viral, sparking widespread discussion on social media.
The video, shared on Facebook by a page named “Gyan Sankhya,” alleges that Anant Ambani and his bodyguard acted rudely towards a man. According to the post, the incident occurred when the man attempted to take a picture with Anant. The bodyguard intervened, removing the man’s hand from Anant’s shoulder. Although the man reportedly felt offended, he did not react due to the bodyguard’s presence.
The post suggested that while Anant is often seen as well-mannered, this incident showed a different side.
However, it’s important to note that Anant did not misbehave or react to the situation; he had merely exited the car for a photo. The controversy has arisen mainly due to the bodyguard’s actions, not Anant’s conduct.
Anant Ambani is frequently praised for his polite demeanor, making this incident particularly surprising to many of his followers. The bodyguard’s behavior has now become a topic of debate.
Watch the video here:
Reactions to the viral video have been mixed. Some people justify the bodyguard’s actions as necessary for security, while others criticize them as inappropriate and rude. The incident underscores the intense scrutiny public figures face, with their every move closely watched and debated.
As of now, neither Anant Ambani nor his family has issued an official statement regarding the incident. The viral video serves as a reminder of the constant public attention and the challenges of living in the spotlight.