Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan’s personal lives have been under scrutiny, particularly after they attended Anant Ambani’s wedding separately. Abhishek’s recent interaction with a post about ‘divorce’ fueled further speculation about their relationship. Rumors of a longstanding family feud within the Bachchan clan have only added to the intrigue. In this context, an old video of Aishwarya celebrating Amitabh’s achievements has gone viral, drawing various reactions from the public.
Aishwarya Rai’s Joyful Reaction to Amitabh’s Award
An old video featuring Aishwarya Rai surfaced recently, showing her exuberantly celebrating her father-in-law, Amitabh Bachchan, receiving a national award for his performance in the movie Paa. As Amitabh’s name was announced, Aishwarya stood up and clapped enthusiastically, clearly proud of him.
The video also shows Jaya Bachchan, Shweta Bachchan, and Abhishek Bachchan, all sharing in the joyful moment. Aishwarya’s pride and happiness were evident as she joined the standing ovation for Amitabh.
Amitabh Bachchan winning the National Award Best Actor award for Paa
byu/DragonDeninSharkTank inBollyBlindsNGossip
Netizens’ Reactions to the Video
The viral video prompted a flurry of comments online. Many netizens admired Aishwarya’s beauty and expressed curiosity about the reported tensions between her and her in-laws. One user remarked, “Look at how happy and proud Aish was for AB.” Another commented, “When Ash was part of the family.” A third added, “Aish is so breathtakingly beautiful; they really got along once upon a time.”
Speculations About Abhishek’s ‘Divorce’ Post
Speculation intensified after Aishwarya and Abhishek’s separate arrivals at Anant Ambani’s wedding, with Aishwarya not posing with her in-laws. Amidst these rumors, Abhishek liked a post about ‘divorce,’ leading many to question the status of their relationship. It was later revealed that the post included a contribution from Zirak Marker, a longtime friend of Aishwarya, indicating Abhishek’s support for his wife rather than a hint at their separation.
Fans’ concerns were alleviated when photos and videos from the Ambani event surfaced, showing Aishwarya and Abhishek together with their daughter Aaradhya. This sighting provided a sense of relief to their supporters.
The reactions to Aishwarya Rai’s video highlight the public’s fascination with the Bachchan family’s dynamics. Despite the swirling rumors, the recent video and subsequent sightings suggest a more nuanced reality.
What are your thoughts on the netizens’ reactions to Aishwarya Rai’s video?