Comedian Zakir Khan is set to debut his new show, Aapka Apna Zakir, premiering on August 10th. The show, which will occupy the time slot previously held by The Kapil Sharma Show, has released its promo, generating mixed reactions from fans who are curious to see if Zakir can match Kapil’s popularity.
In the promo, Zakir is seen hosting an array of celebrities, including Karan Johar, Shraddha Kapoor, and Rajkummar Rao, in the opening episodes. The show will also feature appearances by TV and OTT personalities such as Shweta Tiwari, Paresh Ganattra, Rithvik Dhanjani, and Gopal Dutt. With the show airing at the same time as Kapil’s former show, comparisons between the two are inevitable.
Watch the promo for Aapka Apna Zakir here:
The promo has received positive feedback from netizens. One fan commented, “Kapil Sharma crying in a corner,” while another wrote, “The Kapil Sharma Show was a waste here as well as on Netflix.” A third user noted, “Kapil Sharma Show has officially shut down.” Another fan warned Kapil, saying, “Brother, your seat is in danger.”
Despite some skepticism, many fans are excited for Zakir’s new show. One supporter wrote,
“Kapil Sharma set on a new journey, now Zakir Khan will rule over television.”
Another expressed hope that Zakir remains true to his roots, saying,
“Happy for him but I sincerely hope that he doesn’t get corrupted by this glamour world. Love his simplicity. I hope he stays the same.”
Zakir Khan’s show Aapka Apna Zakir will air on Sony TV every Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 pm.