Varun Dhawan recently wrapped up the shooting of his upcoming horror film, Bhediya. After finishing the shoot, he came to Mumbai from Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh. Varun, alongwith his wife, Natasha Dalal was snapped at the Mumbai airport.
The media, upon spotting them, asked both Varun and Natasha to stand still for a moment, in order to take some pictures.
However, on the request, Varun asked the photographers to maintain social distancing since the pandemic is on an all-time rise and the COVID count has gotten huge in Mumbai. Pinkvilla, a well known media portal, posted the video of the same incident.
Here is the video:
On that, one of the users in Instagram took a shot on Varun through his comment. Reaching out to Varun, he wrote:
“You went out for vacay and gave paps the chance to snap, now you come back and complain. Stop over showing your privilege when people in your country are dying.” Varun also replied back to the troller and wrote, “I have people who have also lost their life in covid so please keep ur assumptions to ur self.”
Responding to it, Varun slammed the troll with a befitting reply. Here is what he wrote:
“your assumption is wrong I was shooting my film and not on a holiday and what do u mean gave a chance. How do u not give them a chance I have people who have also lost their life in covid so please keep ur assumptions to urself.”
Check the comment: