Tiger Shroff is known to be one of the fittest filmstars in Bollywood at the moment and has a huge fan following on Instagram. Though he is yet to make a mark in the film industry with his acting, his ability to do stunts and his dancing skills has already made him a star. Recently, the 30-year-old actor took to Instagram for an “Ask Me Anything” session and there was a flurry of questions from his fans.
While most of the questions were about fitness and his film career, there was one question, rather a suggestion which took everyone’s attention away. This was when a fan asked Tiger to marry her and come to the United Kingdom. It looked like an awkward moment but the actor handled it brilliantly with an answer that oozed his wit and practicality about the whole situation.
To the question that read, “Marry me. Come to the UK”, the “Student of the Year 2” actor replied, “Maybe in a few years, when I can support you…so much to learn and earn until then.” The cool-headed reply to the question left Tiger’s fanbase impressed and they lauded his wittiness and presence of mind.
Currently, Tiger is ready to come out with his new movie “Ganapath”, which is of the action-thriller genre. He recently unveiled the first look of the movie as well.