A Zomato delivery worker named Sonu recently captured the attention of both staff and customers at a Starbucks outlet in Khan Market, New Delhi, when he arrived to pick up an order with his two-year-old daughter by his side. Sonu, who is a single parent, manages the responsibilities of his job while also taking care of his young child, a situation that moved many who witnessed it.
Devendra Mehra, the store manager, shared Sonu’s story on LinkedIn, writing,
“Today, a Zomato delivery boy came to our store, Starbucks Khan Market, New Delhi, to pick up an order, and he touched our hearts. Despite the challenges he faces at home, he continues to work hard while caring for his little 2-year-old daughter, who was with him during work. He is a single parent raising his daughter. Seeing his dedication and love for his child was truly inspiring.”
In a kind gesture, the Starbucks team offered Sonu’s daughter a babyccino, a warm, milk-based drink made especially for children.
“We were honored to offer her a small treat of babyccino, hoping to bring a little smile to her face. It reminded us of the strength and resilience of the human spirit, even in difficult times. We wish him and his daughter all the best and are grateful for the small moments that remind us of the kindness and empathy that connect us all,”
Mehra added.
The LinkedIn post quickly went viral, with many users expressing their admiration for Sonu.
One user suggested fundraising for his daughter’s education, saying they would be the first to contribute.
Another user, a café owner, praised Sonu’s commitment to both his work and his role as a loving father, calling his story a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. A third user emphasized the importance of kindness, writing, “In a world where you can be anything, always choose to be kind.”
Zomato also responded to the post, expressing their appreciation for Sonu’s dedication.
“Hi Devendra! Thank you so much for sharing this touching story about Sonu. We’re deeply moved by his dedication and the strength he shows in his work. We’ll ensure your heartfelt appreciation is passed on to Sonu. His resilience and commitment truly embody the spirit of our team. Your kind gesture and recognition mean a lot to us,”
the company commented.