The release of Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan’s return to the big screen, is less than two weeks away. On Sunday, a member of the film’s crew, identified as Rajvir Ashar, posted a photo from the set in which SRK is being carried by his coworkers while flashing his trademark dimples. Pictured with the cast and crew is director Siddharth Anand.
The actor proudly displays the lengthy hairstyle that has won him so many accolades. This picture was probably taken on the set of the song “Jhoome Jo Pathaan.”
The crew member wrote,
“Yeh naam kyun pada, kaise pada, iske liye thoda intezaar kijiye” JALDI MILTE HAI…#PATHAAN SE !!! 25th January 2023…ONLY IN CINEMAS! #10DaysToPathaan
Recently, Shah Rukh Khan made a promotional appearance in Dubai for his film Pathaan. Atop Saturday, videos of the actor viewing his teaser on the Burj Khalifa went viral. The actor, making his big screen debut after four years, sat in the trailer wearing black casual pants and a black jacket. Similarly, he raised his arms in his trademark manner.
Shah Rukh performed dances to the song Jhoome Jo Pathaan and read lines from the film at the promotional event. Numerous fan groups shared media from their time in Dubai on social media.
There are two more films starring Shah Rukh Khan coming out this year, after Pathaan, called Jawan and Dunki.