Actor Renuka Shahane shared her snaps that starred her husband, Ashutosh Rana who is also an actor as the couple went out on a movie date. It is needless to say but the current craze for Pathaan makes it an obvious choice for all the movie fanatics to pick and savor it to the core. The couple was no exception to this rule and they celebrated their Sunday by prancing to Pathaan.
Taking to Twitter, Renuka posted snaps of her and Ashutosh enjoying the movie to the fullest and also a handful of selfies clicked by them of enjoying the snaps. The lead actor of Pathaan, the Badshaah of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan responded to the post by teasing Renuka of her first heroine.
Here is what Shahrukh Khan had to tell Renuka Shahane
The first snap captured the couple sitting inside their car as they sported ethnics while the second picture of them was in the movie hall as the duo smiled and posed for the camera. She captioned the slew of snaps on Twitter as
“Finally going to watch #Pathaan. Mausam bilkul sahi hai, kursi ki peti baandh li hai (The weather is good, have fastened the seat bealts). With Col Luthra ji.”
In fact, Ashutosh Rana himself has been a part of the movie where he played the character of Colonel Sunil Luthra. In fact, a Twitter user was also inquisitive of the fact whether she was invited to the premier but she politely snubbed saying that there was an invitation, but she couldn’t attend.
Reacting to the post, Shahrukh said, “Col Luthraji ko bataya aapne ki aap meri pehli heroine hain (Did you tell Col Luthra that you are my first heroine)!! Or should we keep it a Top Secret otherwise he may fire me from the agency!!!” Just in case if you are wondering, Shahrukh and Renuka played Sherakhan Rai and Maria respectively in the 1989 television soap called Circus.
Col Luthraji ko bataya aapne ki aap meri pehli heroine hain!! Or should we keep it a Top Secret otherwise he may fire me from the agency!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 5, 2023
Renuka crafted an amazing response, adding, “Hahaha unsey koi baat chhupti kahaan hai? Aaphi ne unhe antaryaami kahaa hai. Aur chaahey jo ho jaaye, woh aapko fire nahi kar saktey kyunki jo kaam aap kartey hain woah koi aur nahi kar saktaa (Can anything be hidden from him? You only have called him all-knowing. And whatever might happen, he can’t fire you because nobody can do the work you do).”