The ‘Son Pari’ cast recently reunited, stirring nostalgia among their fans. Tanvi Hegde, who played ‘Frooty’ in the beloved show, shared some behind-the-scenes moments from the reunion on her Instagram. These photos brought back memories for many fans, prompting them to request the show’s return.
‘Son Pari,’ a popular drama from the early 2000s, followed the magical adventures of siblings ‘Frooty’ and ‘Appy.’
Even after more than two decades since its last episode aired, the show remains cherished by its audience. The recent reunion, featuring cast members like Mrinal Kulkarni and Ashok Lokhande, reignited fond memories.
During the reunion, Tanvi Hegde looked stylish in a pink top and black trousers, while Mrinal Kulkarni shone in a yellow printed salwar suit. Ashok Lokhande, who played ‘Altu Uncle,’ maintained his signature charm in a grey shirt and beige trousers. Fans couldn’t help but admire how little Mrinal’s beauty has changed over the years.
As soon as the reunion photos were shared online, fans flooded the comments with love and requests for a new season of the show. One fan mentioned, “Can the show make a comeback? I’m binge-watching it on YouTube and reliving childhood memories.” Another remarked, “Time flies, but strong bonds stay alive.”
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‘Son Pari,’ which aired from 2000 to 2004, quickly became a fan favorite with its captivating storyline about a young girl named ‘Frooty’ who discovers a magical ball that summons a Fairy Godmother, Son Pari. Together with her friend ‘Altu,’ they faced various challenges, capturing the hearts of viewers with their heartwarming friendship.
What do you think about the reunion of the ‘Son Pari’ cast?