Taking over his Instagram, actor Kunal Khemu recently posted a shirtless picture of himself alongwith quotation a few deep thoughts in the comment section. The post came into the limelight when another superstar, Shahid Kapoor gave out a comic response which made Kunal and others laugh the most.
Kunal Khemu’s caption read, “As the light seeps in to pull the darkness away, a little bit may get left behind each day. The lies may all be black and blue, but the truth is always in the Grey.”
In relation to the quote, Shahid Kapoor made a hilarious remark in Hindi. Through his comment, Shahid asked Kunal about the person who was behind the lens of this “nude shooting” in a funny manner. The comment soon hit the buzz as it was a overtly funny to read from a perspective of a viewer. Kunal himself was put into splits and he responded with laughing emoticons to Shahid’s remark on his picture.
When it comes to Kunal Khemu’s career, we all known that he has been working as a child artist in the beginning and then a full grown actor. His recent movie was Lootcase, which was released last year. Shahid Kapoor, on the other hand had a successful career in the recent times. He has got hits like Kabir Singh, Padmaavat, Udta Punjab and others and is all set for his new film named Jersey. It is a sports drama film which is all set to release this year.
It has been a common phenomenon that several Bollywood stars use social media as a source to reach their fans and express what they feel. These posts more than often receive weird and funny comments, ranging from normal people to famous celebrities.
Netizens keep themselves awaited for such instances where it becomes a common sight for several Bollywood stars to share fun loving comments and share their hilarious thoughts out in public, but all in a positive way.