Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi, recently premiered on Netflix, presents a lavish portrayal of royal opulence and intrigue. However, amidst its grandeur, certain scenes in the series raise eyebrows, showcasing directorial missteps that are hard to overlook.
Major Flaws in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi
Faridan’s Role:
Sonakshi Sinha’s portrayal of Faridan parallels the complexity of Draupadi from the Mahabharata. However, despite her character’s significance, Sonakshi’s performance is overshadowed by Manisha in every aspect. Particularly, Faridan’s confrontation with police officer Alambeg lacks the emotional depth required.
Confusion with Manisha Koirala’s Character:
Manisha Koirala’s role as Mallikajan in Heeramandi is marred by ambiguity. Throughout the series, it remains unclear whether she is a villain or a hero, as her actions oscillate between benevolence and betrayal. This lack of clarity detracts from the character’s impact.
Inconsistent Characterization of Ustad Ji:
The portrayal of Ustad Ji, akin to Narad Muni, undergoes a puzzling transformation. Initially supportive of Mallikajan, he later shifts allegiance to Faridan, altering the trajectory of the narrative. This sudden change in character disrupts the cohesion of the series.
Shaman’s Arc:
The character of Shaman, a maid entangled in a love triangle, faces a disjointed storyline. Her unrequited love for Iqbal leads to tragic consequences, including imprisonment. However, the scene where Mallikajan sells her feels contrived and out of sync with the narrative tone.
Incoherence in Iqbal’s Character:
Iqbal, Mallikajan’s loyal driver entangled in a romance with Shaman, experiences a lack of character development. His abrupt disappearance after Shaman’s sale lacks justification, leaving his arc unresolved.
Misrepresentation of the Police Officer:
The portrayal of the main antagonist, a corrupt police officer, is marked by gratuitous violence and misogyny. His actions, including assaulting Mallikajan and orchestrating heinous crimes, are depicted in a sensationalized manner, detracting from the series’ integrity.
While Heeramandi boasts impressive production values and compelling performances, these narrative flaws undermine its overall impact, leaving audiences questioning the director’s creative choices.